Metatron’s Cube is a sacred Sacred Geometrical symbol that forms a map of Creation and it is this ‘map’ that the mystics, sages and ancient civilizations have revered throughout the ages of time.
Metatron’s Cube is composed of 13 spheres held together by lines from the midpoint of each sphere.
The spheres of Metatron’s Cube represent the ‘Feminine’ whilst the straight lines represent the ‘Masculine’. Thus Metatron’s Cube represents the weaving together of the Male & Female polarities to create the ONENESS field of the infinite ALL.
The following outlines how the 13 Spheres of Metatron’s cube are present throughout every aspect of our lives, be it Body, Mind or Spirit.
Cloth can be used to display crystals grid & charging of crystals as well as protecting of your oracle or tarot cards during readings.
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