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Plant Therapy True Expressions ( Throat Chakra )Essential Oil 10ml


  • Designed to support the 5th (throat) chakra
  • Encourages confidence & clear expression
  • Cooling & refreshing

Balance in the 5th (Throat) Chakra is critical to clear and flowing communication in integrity and harmony with ourselves and others. When blocked by fear, the throat chakra can easily become congested with our repressed ability to express our true essence. Free flowing energy through this narrowest of passages in our chakra system supports the link of mind and body vital to understanding we may know and outwardly express our authentic selves through truth.

Inhalation: Add to a personal inhaler, a drop or two to a tissue wafted away from the nose, or in a diffuser.

Tropical Application: Dilute to 1% in Jojoba Carrier Oil or your favorite Plant Therapy carrier oil. Anoint area of the chakra by gently touching or massaging in a clockwise direction.

Mindful Combination: Intention, Affirmation, Visualization, Meditation.

 * for local delivery only.

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