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Clear Quartz point raw * Rainbows inclusions & Records Keepers

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Polished Clear Quartz Points 295gm comes with Rainbows inclusions with Records Keepers.

*  estimated 90x65x50mm 

Record Keeper Crystals. ... It is one or more small triangles (trigons) on one of the faces of the crystal. Sometimes they are indented, sometimes raised, but always an upward pointing triangle. 

Record Keepers are exceptional crystals for personal and spiritual growth. Some believe these unusual quartz pieces were programmed by Atlanteans, and that working with a Record Keeper can permit access to ancient, universal wisdom teachings.  The information contained within a Record Keeper can be useful for viewing and understanding one’s soul purpose, including the integration of lessons in this and other lifetimes.

The triangles of the Record Keeper symbolize the perfect unity between body, mind, and spirit. The shape also represents the Third Eye Chakra, which makes Record Keeper Crystals ideal for heightening intuition and psychic abilities.

Meditating or sleeping with a Record Keeper will encourage lucid visioning and receiving insight from one’s guides and angels. It is important to maintain pure intentions when using these powerful crystals, asking to be shown only what is necessary and good for one’s awareness or healing.

Source: Rubydragoncrystals.com

Clear Quartz is a Universal stone.  Also know as Crystal Quartz or Rock Quartz as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals.  It is a pure and powerful energy source.  It receives activates, absorbs, stores, releases and amplifies energies.  Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations.  It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Can be used for meditations and it brings harmony to the soul.

These quartz comes from Brazil which has one of the amazing crystals in the world.

These are natural crystals may have imperfections.

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