Palo Santo cut, Shredded and Sifted version of Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) or Holy Stick, is a natural wood aromatic smoke incense used for centuries by the Incas as a spiritual remedy for purifying and cleansing and to get rid of evil spirits, misfortune and calamity.
(Burseara Graveolens) Palo Santo or "Holy Stick" is a natural wood aromatic incense used for centuries by the Incas and indigenous people of the Andes as a spiritual remedy for purifying and cleansing; to get rid of evil spirits and misfortune; as well as for medicinal purposes. It is often used by shamans in sacred plant spirit ceremonies. Our Palo Santo is sustainably wild harvested from naturally fallen trees and branches that lie dead for 4-10 yrs. before they are harvested.
Our Palo Santo are organic - naturally harvested with certification from the Govt before they are shipped out. ** Our supplier work with directly with the Community.
** Best to burn by mixing with loose sage leaves
* 15gm