Fear or Love for God
Hi this is for those who have so much fear in God and have been spamming my facebook and trying to crash my website.... You mentioned I fear Jesus I was laughing till tears roll... my beliefs has nothing to do with you and vice versa.. best part is you are the one who pray to the Gods that you fear and think that the rest of us who are not in your beliefs systems have same fear and we will go to hell. Kindly note that this is base on your beliefs systems and not mine.... I find it very funny when I dun even resonate to whatever your beliefs systems and as far as I know I have never impose my beliefs on anyone neither did I go to your website , facebook or in any other ways to push my ideas or promote my products and services to you. You guys are the one curious enough to drop by and spamming on my site... you should reflect on your own behaviour and beliefs.. All religion teaches Love so where is yours?
If God loves us as his Child so why should a Parent be punishing their kids by sending them to burn in Hell. LOL
** Remember Jesus forgives you and still loves you even though you judge me... LOVE you guys as you have play your role well...